Thursday, November 15, 2007

healthy eating?

so i have decided that i need to try to eat healthier. i have been exercising pretty regularly, but haven't really lost any weight. however, it is taking me a lot longer than i planned to start eating healthy. they tell you to clean out your cupboards and fridge of tempting items. i'm working on this, but there is only so much leftover halloween candy, frozen cookie dough, banana bread, caramel apples, ice cream, chocolate chips, goldfish crackers, and cubes of butter i can eat in one day.


mickey said...

you are so inspiring michele, the exercise and healty eating. i just wish i could help with a healthly meal plan, but these days i'm not sure what even sounds good. good luck.

Unknown said...

michele, if anyone can consume all of that, I know you can. Remeber the old days when we could hit a free food event (missionary farewells?) or perhaps Circus Circus buffet and eat and eat? Okay, wait maybe we abused our metabolisms a bit too much in those days.