Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Eva: mom why do we need lotion?

Me: so your skin can be soft and smooth.

Eva: oh, like the sidewalk?

Yes, exactly like the sidewalk.

Monday, September 13, 2010

sent to the office

I had to pick up Annie from the office at school today.

On my way out the door to pick her up at school at the regular time, I got a call from the school saying that it was early out day, and that Annie was sitting in the office.

When I walked in, the secretary said "are you here to pick up a kindergartner?" I said "Yes" as I looked and saw a row of forgotten kindergartners sitting, waiting for their unfit parents to come retrieve them.

At least I wasn't the only one who forgot their kid. I looked at the row of kindergartners, and picked out the cutest one to take home. Luckily it was my kid.

Sorry Annie. I'll try to remember next Monday.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Earth Day Resolutions

I know this is late, but what kind of Environmental Studies Major would I be if I didn't post about Earth Day?

This year to do my part to help out our planet, I am going to try to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer in a more timely manner so that I don't have to wash the same load of laundry 2, 3, or even 4 times because it gets too stinky from sitting in the washer for days at a time.

Starting tomorrow.

That and not driving anywhere or really leaving the house for that matter because I have 3 kids under the age of 5. My energy is best spent doing something more productive than hauling the kidlings around Target or to the library. You know, something more doing laundry.

Just doing my part for Mother Earth.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

sun days

today after eva's shower, i was getting her dressed and she asked if we were going to church today. i told her that no we weren't going to church because it's saturday and we go to church on sundays. she thought about it for a minute then said "well it's nice and sunny today."

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Best. Mom. Ever.

I just opened the microwave to throw in some popcorn and I found a bowl of soup I was heating up for Annie...left there from last night! I never gave it to her, and she didn't ask. Don't call DCFS on me. I'll feed her today I promise.

Friday, January 15, 2010

thanks panda

last night i was making a recipe that called for soy sauce. it was coconut-lime chicken soup if you are interested. i looked in the fridge, and realized that i didn't have any. i remembered that at dan's work they have a basket in the lunchroom with all the little condiment packets that people get with their take-out food. i called him to bring some soy sauce home if they had any. he said he would, and if not, he would stop by the store on the way home to get some. so a little while later he showed up with some panda express soy sauce packets and told me that they didn't have any at work. instead of going to the grocery store, he had just gone to panda express and asked for some soy sauce.

Monday, January 04, 2010

nutrition 101

setting: lunchtime. eva goes to the fridge to get some yogurt to eat.

dan: "no yogurt, we're going to have lunch."

me: "i don't care if she eats yogurt for lunch."

dan: "no. we are going to have a nice healthy meal."

me: "ok you fix lunch for us"

dan looks around in the fridge and pantry for a while...

dan: "do we have any corndogs?"