Sunday, February 04, 2007

graduation day

a momentous day in the bolke family. today annie graduated to nursery at church. it was wonderful to be able to go to class and listen. she had fun and we had fun! it's amazing how much more you can listen when you don't have to be shoving cheerios into your kid's mouth and reading books about animals, david's stinky diapers, or the lady with the alligator purse.


Anonymous said...

way to go annie! nursery is so much fun! i am a nursery leader currently in our ward and it is fun to watch the kids play, and i love that our lessons are 2-5 minutes maximum, followed with a treat.
i agree it is nice for their mommies and daddies to enjoy their classes.

Anonymous said...

you better enjoy the next few months then because you won't get that luxury for long!