Saturday, May 05, 2007

are you kidding?

i was reading an article (or i guess i glanced at the article) about children self-weaning from breast feeding until i saw this quote in the first paragraph.

"Somewhere between the ages of two-and-a-half to four years, the child will begin to ask to nurse less and less often, gradually tapering off over a period of months until they are completely weaned."

i didn't feel the need to finish the article. i am not that dedicated a mother, but if emily will be pumping anyway...maybe she can save my children from the damaging effects of real food and pump a little extra.


Anonymous said...

I hope so.

I think that's overkill in my opinion. Yeah for anyone who is successful and does it for any amount of time whether it's a few hours or months. I would prefer 12 months as a weaning stage but what do I know.

Unknown said...

I am the possibly the least qualified person ever to comment here but I have to say, the thought of Emily pumping for your kids so she can have bigger boobs makes me laugh. For some reason it reminds me of Emily with the thigh master . . . not sure why.

lizzie said...

i am laughing!!!