Friday, April 06, 2007

destined to be a carny

the other day i took annie for a walk and we were passing by the elementary school. we saw a kid riding his unicycle home from school. that was pretty cool. a few minutes later, we saw another kid riding a unicycle home. what are the odds? and the plot thickens... i have had three next-door neighbors join the circus. two from when we lived in willow creek area, and one where my parents live now. i think i am destined for the big top. i don't think i would be a very good trapeze artist, or clown, but maybe i could run one of the rides, or let people throw ping pong balls to try to win a stuffed animal or sell churros or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the circus! Interesting people and endless churros, what could be better?

Seriously, though, this is a little freaky.