Friday, January 15, 2010

thanks panda

last night i was making a recipe that called for soy sauce. it was coconut-lime chicken soup if you are interested. i looked in the fridge, and realized that i didn't have any. i remembered that at dan's work they have a basket in the lunchroom with all the little condiment packets that people get with their take-out food. i called him to bring some soy sauce home if they had any. he said he would, and if not, he would stop by the store on the way home to get some. so a little while later he showed up with some panda express soy sauce packets and told me that they didn't have any at work. instead of going to the grocery store, he had just gone to panda express and asked for some soy sauce.


Alyssa said...

I love it. When Erin and I went to Iceland we raided the condiments at the McDonald's in the airport because we made a lot of our own food on the trip. The only problem was when the packet of syrup exploded in all of the other stuff. Gross.

katie said...

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time!

mickey said...

That is so funny! Michele you and Dan are so dang cute together, aren't you glad you found each other?

lizzie said...

great idea! would work really well for our family these days!

hawsfam said...

I totally want that recipe. Do you think it would taste better with Panda soy sauce than store-bought?

Anonymous said...

I just saved a couple of soy packets for you, they are in the fridge- Evert