Friday, February 08, 2008

big brother?

so last night i was doing some important surfing of the internet, when i got an instant message from matt, one of dan's buddies. matt is currently in iraq, so it was kind of fun to chat with him for a bit. we were asking him how the weather was, what he was doing, where he was and stuff. we decided to look on google earth (one of the greatest inventions by the way) and try to see where he was. he told us the town, and the approximate location, but when we tried to get too detailed, like if he was north or south of the euphrates, all of the sudden we lost our connection with him.

coincidence? i think not.


Anonymous said...

yeah, I think that is a no-google space, like the no-fly space over the White House.

mickey said...

Hmmmmm interseting, very interesting. Google map me and I'll wave to you. :)