Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Happy Birthday Dan!

as a birthday tribute, here is a video we made one sunday afternoon when we lived in logan.


mickey said...

i am still laughing. that was so funny!!! i loved the viedo and will come back to it often to get a good laugh. you two dancing was great!!! i miss the old dances we used to do. maybe we could do a mini region dance at your parents house sometime, like on their deck, and we could use alyssa's region dance cd. i'm sure our husbands would love it!

thanks for the video, send a happy 29th to dan.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!!!! Enjoy the last of your 20s. . .

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that Michele. It is just as funny now as the first time I saw it and I literally laughed out loud! My favorite is that you are wearing the mumu we gave you for your bridal shower. Oh and that you are using our patented region dance moves AND the broom jumping on the bed is the funniest thing EVER!!!!

nhsphoto said...

i love your video. my son crew watched it with me and said "i can't go down the stairs in a box. i can't do that very good." it's true. he can't.