Wednesday, August 08, 2007

some people might drink it...

i took annie with me to my doctors appointment today. the nurse handed me a cup to fill, and annie wanted to use it to get a drink of water. i told her no, that mommy is going to pee in the cup. after filling the cup, i set it on the counter and annie said "juice".

most recent pregnancy statistics: 75-80% effaced, not dilating. basically the same as last week and the week before. so we probably won't have a new baby by this weekend. sorry andra, probably not for your birthday, but maybe for liz's...

also, we haven't decided on names, so any suggestions are appreciated. boy or girl names since we don't know what we're having yet.


lizzie said...

i would love to share my birthday...again! as for names, well maybe if it's a boy you could name him daniel. then you could have a danny and an annie. my mom's cousin did that. i will try to think of more.

Unknown said...

How about Augustus?

And ew, about the pee cup.

lemoniepants said...

ever since bringing home cade without a name i have been searching for good boy names. i haven't found many yet. i still like george and lately i really like asher.

my friend at work just named her little girl amy. what a sweet name for a little baby.