Friday, January 23, 2009

new slang

in this episode, michele attempts to play the guitar and sing the song "new slang" by the shins.  disclaimer: this is a first time recording, editing, and first thing in the morning as well.  but anyway, enjoy.


Anonymous said...

you know I have a huge crush on you, right Michele? I LOVE this!! Please do more!

Tiffany said...

I agree, where's the next song? That was great. I always love it when an musician talks about the song before performing it!

lizzie said...

oh michele, i miss you! when are you coming to play for me? soon, i hope!

hawsfam said...

that was awesome. we are quite impressed.

nhsphoto said...

yay! i heart the shins. and i heart you.

Nikki A. said...

Wow chica, I'm impressed! I had no idea you played the guitar too. You are amazing fo' sho! We're also obsessed with watching Annie's video Three Little Birds. We watch it all the's adorable!! You guys are an awesome fam. We need to lunch soon :)

hawsfam said...

Please come and visit! Any time and you can have any music you want!

blair and maisy said...

Sweet, when are we going on tour? I'll be your roadie.