Tuesday, December 11, 2007

oh christmas tree

here are some pictures of our christmas tree cutting down ceremony. yep that is the little tree/bush thing that is in our front yard. last year we cut down a little tree from the back yard. next year we may have to buy a tree because the apple trees might be a little too big!

in this picture you can see our cat. well, the one that claims us as his/her family. actually, i tried to take it to the shelter today, but as i got it in the car, it hopped out the other side and ran away. i don't mind having it around, but i don't want it in the house, and i don't want to find a dead frozen cat in the springtime. anyway, back to the christmas tree...

ta da!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! He looks like a fat and happy little tree/bush. I don't even have a tree so I'm jealous.
Oh, and did Dan cut it down with a machete??

lizzie said...

so awesome!! i wish we could have cut down the tree in our yard...but i think it is against the rules.

Anonymous said...

we showed your blog to Evert and Cherie last night and they were laughing so hard at the tree. I bet it's so much better in person and perfect for all the neighbors to witness in it's glory