Thursday, October 04, 2007

ipod shuffle

everybodys doing it...first 10, no skipping.

  1. i will (no man's land), Radiohead - mellow loveliness.
  2. chicken out, Gomez - gomez puts on a great show. check them out.
  3. donna and blitzen, Badly Drawn Boy - from one of my favorite movies About a Boy
  4. sometimes i make you sad, Supergrass - i should've gone to the concert where they opened for pearl jam in idaho...
  5. american girl, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - dan's favorite band
  6. crush with eyeliner, R.E.M. - i went through a rem phase during early college years. i still like 'em. emily made probably 10 volumes of tapes (yes tapes) of pure rem goodness that i listened to too much.
  7. we haven't turned around (x-ray mix), Gomez - what are the odds? two gomez songs in my 10.
  8. kate, Ben Folds - fun and peppy.
  9. china roses, Enya - this song reminds me of my mission. enya was probably my favorite mission- acceptable music, and i listened to it until we got robbed and my tape player got stolen. (does all this talk of tapes date me?)
  10. full flavor, Unified Theory - i have memories of going to the unified theory concert with trevor, emily and amy at liquid joes. at the t-shirt/cd/goods table they were selling unified theory thongs. yep.

there you have it.


lemoniepants said...

surprise! i don't remember going to a concert at liquid joes...

Anonymous said...

yeah, you should have gone to the pearl jam concert in idaho to see super grass. . . good times had by all! I don't think they were selling thongs, at least not that I remember.