Monday, March 26, 2007

2 thumbs up

i have seen movies that make me laugh and movies that make me cry, but rarely do i see something that makes me laugh and cry at the same time. way to go little miss sunshine!


Anonymous said...

Well put.
Haven't I been telling you how much you would love this movie? If I haven't, I should have. Aside from the obvious connection with the bus I knew this would be one you love. I saw it twice in the theater and have re-watched 2 or 3 times since getting the dvd for Christmas. It is one that gets better with each viewing so I recommend repeat viewings - it is especially funny for anyone who has ever driven an old car with problems.

Anonymous said...

I love this movie, too! I also saw Reign Over Me over the weekend, which is nothing like LMS, but a VERY good movie, nonetheless!